Fancy seeing you here. Let's catch up over coffee? What's new with you? I feel like Dora the Explorer when asking the audience where Swiper is. Here's what's new with me even if you didn't ask

  1. Finished high school SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER
  2. Smashed my iPhone terminator shrapnel
  3. Went to Noosa
  4. Got the new iPhone 
  5. Worked for a week 
  6. Gave back my school laptop thanks for the 2 laptops Jesse
  7. Bought some sweet as shoes (I'll show you on our next date)  
  8. Had my formal (and another)
  9. Got sick 
  10. Saw the hot older brother
However, the most important part is that I bought these Anna Dello Russo for H&M earrings off of Ebay. As my first pair of gold earrings, the first night I wore them I felt like ADR herself, only not as cool. So it was basically just a weird 17 year old wearing a pair of earrings designed by the most stuntastic lady around it worked in my imagination. Speaking of H&M collaborations, I hope this Givenchy rumour is truer than true. 

 Also, A also stands for Alice It was an honour being you

As I sit here eating my Ben & Jerry's just after watching the VS show I think to myself, what on earth would I do without Ebay? It's basically hoarders heaven with a lottery like element to it - will those kitten slippers actually meow when you tickle their noses? I don't know, I guess we'll just have to wait and see when they arrive in the mail. Did you undertand the 'lottery-like' relevance of any of that, because I sure didn't. 

Point of this poorly told story is that I love ADR and her earrings. 

Peace out home dawgs
- J. 


  1. Aw thank you for leaving a comment on my blog, it means a lot :) xx

  2. Twas an honour giving me to you? look i wanted it to be witty, this is the best I've got. xx
