- Jacket // My house - Bralette // Topshop - Boots // Jeffrey Campbell - 

I find it rather mind boggling that the last 12 years of my life will be finishing up in 2 weeks. In other words - 12 DAYS TIL SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER AND, WELL REALLY; LIFE. 

In other news - I'm not wearing a dress, I know, I fooled you all! It's actually me padre's Tony Soprano's old leather jacket.

I was a international, express shipping post-bag away from missing out on it's leathery, cloud like, I want to live in it for the rest of my life goodness when my mum was sending it abroad. But fear not, good old blinky, left-eyed blind, bill over here saw it and snatched it up. It was like a boxing day sale - only difference is that it was in my house, against no one, 4 days away from Halloween; same thing, different holiday. 

Let it be known I was wearing my pajama shorts underneath - I couldn't have gotten anymore comfortable if I tried. 

Fun fact: The post title, unlike every other title, actually has a double meaning behind it. 
Firstly - I'm returning back to this glorious site sharing a post with you all after almost finishing my final exams.
Secondly - A cover of this stuntastic hit was the first extract of my music paper. SEE YA Music 1 kids, I'll miss you. 

Peace out home dawgs, 
xx - J. 

P.S. I'm planning on changing the url to in the near future, so if I brake the internet, you'll know why and where to go. 

Tonights Tunes: Back in Black // AC/DC


  1. Dude. Why are you changing the URL?!? I thought those days were behind you. Think of the future!
